Friday, January 14, 2011

Just so you know

Blog updates are currently on hold until I can figure out why I can no longer update from home.  It keeps telling me my internet settings aren't right, but they are what they're supposed to be and it's always worked before.  So until I can figure it out, I can't post from home.  So this post is from work, but I have very few pictures at work and what's a blog update without pictures?!  I know you are dying to hear about our Christmas and New Year's, and probably still have your trees and decor up until I do so.  I advise you to take them down before you start a fire.  Hopefully I can figure everything out this weekend while I've got some down time (aka, Eli is a Grammy's house).  Toodles!

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

The required Santa visit

This is the first year we've taken Eli to see Santa.  Years past they had Santa at daycare, and since he was a baby/toddler and didn't really understand what it was all about it, the daycare Santa was sufficient.  But his new daycare doesn't have Santa come, so we thought it was necessary to take him.  This is the first year that Eli really has his head wrapped around this whole Christmas thing so we were all excited about the trip to the mall, aka Santa's house.

We were impressed when Eli walked right up to him and jumped into his lap, like it was something he did everyday.  They talked and talked, but we're really not sure what about.  All we know is chocolate chip cookies were discussed in great detail.  And he told us he was going to tell Santa he wanted a weed eater and a (leaf) blower, but I'm not sure if he actually did or not.  He says he did though :)

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Merry Christmas?

I mean, really?  After 6 months of not updating is that all I have to say?  I guess that's the best I've got.  I'd try the excuse that we've just been so busy I haven't had time to update this blog, but that would be a lie.  We have been SUPER busy.  Busy, busy, busy.  But I have had time to update if I would just make the time and make myself do it.  So, with this post I will also say...Happy New Year.  Because part of my New Year's resolution is to keep my blog updated.  Once a week maybe, maybe every 2 weeks.  But something I can say is "recent".  So now that it's in black & white (or whatever color the text happens to be when you read this) you can hold me to it, mkay? 

OK then.  I'm not going to try to go back and catch you up on the last 6 months.  You'll just have to deal with having beach pics followed by Christmas pics.  One of my very good friends Christina did our family pics this year, and we couldn't be more pleased.  She did an excellent job, as you can see.  But I think the best thing about them is how well she did with Eli.  She's got 2 toddlers of her own, so she knows what makes them tick.  But I won't give away any of her secrets, you can just enjoy the results.

Alrighty then.  You're all caught up now right?  Good.  As you can see, Eli is growing like a weed!  I know it's cliche, but it's true.  I bought him a bunch of clothes in October, and the pants are already 2" too short and the sleeves on his shirts are short too.  And my normally very small, thick footed child is all of a sudden in a more "normal" shoe size for his age.  It doesn't feel right to call him a toddler anymore, we have ourselves a little boy :) 

And we're very excited about Christmas.  I think this will be the first year that Eli really gets it.  He knows who the big man in the red suit is, and we've been using that to our advantage to remind him to be on his best behavior.  It's what every responsible parent does right?  We can't wait for Christmas morning.  He really got into Halloween this year, and even Thanksgiving, so Christmas will be a blast.  We've seen the parade, the lights at Tanglewood, rode a Christmas train, trying to soak up all the season has to offer.  Up next are the family Christmas parties and program at his daycare.  We are very thankful this year that we don't have to do too much traveling, so I am especially looking forward to enjoying spending the holiday at home as a family.

We wish everyone (all 3 of you reading) a very Merry Christmas and a blessed holiday season.  We are so thankful to have each and every one of you in our lives.

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Summer Time!

And we have been SO busy!  Too busy to keep up with ourselves, much less keep others up.  It's just been a whirlwind of activity and I'm not even sure I can remember it all.

We kicked off the summer with a week long trip to the beach.  Atlantic Beach as usual, only this time we decided to stay somewhere different for a change.  It rained most of the week, something Eli and I were not happy about to say the least.  But fortunately we had a couple of beautiful days at the end, and were joined by some friends for extra fun.  We also got a nice surprise visit from Aunt Ashley! 

Michael decided it was time for Eli to go fishing a few weeks ago.  Needless to say it didn't really go well.  2 year olds just don't mix well with poles with strings attached to them, especially when there are things to swing at with the rod.  Who cares about the fish?

And then there was Girl's Weekend.  That's right, girl's weekend.  We went to the cutest little place up in the mountains called Lakeview at Fontana.  It was so unique, and so relaxing.  Yoga, massages, and french press coffee were just a few of the things we enjoyed.  And of course great company!  This will defintely become an annual event.

Do you feel caught up yet?  Probably not.  Throw in a few birthday parties and a baby shower or two, and you're getting there.  And of course Mother's Day and Father's Day, both of which were very nice, yet uneventful days.  In between all that we try to visit family and friends the best we can, which pretty much means a weekend at home is a rare thing for us.  But we wouldn't have it any other way! 

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

And then there was Easter

Easter was fairly uneventful this year. One of Michael's friends/coworkers got married on Good Friday in Charlotte. It was a beautiful outdoor wedding on Lake Norman. Congratulations Andy & Lauren!

Saturday we spent the day at Tanglewood Park to support Lillie's Friends. It's a wonderful organization to support families dealing with pediatric neuroblastoma, and they had a fundraiser/5K that day. We were in good company with Jennifer & Andrew, Jessica, Jonathan & Coen. It was packed, and the boys had a blast! Definitely something we will try to do every year from now on. Other than that, just a basket full of goodies on Sunday morning!

What Blog?

Did you think I forgot about you? Oh no, I haven't forgotten at all. As a matter of fact, 'update blog' has been on my list of things to do for over a month now. So here I am, with 2 months worth of stuff to tell you!

First of all, Michael has had both his shoulder surgeries, and both went well. Thanks for all the thoughts and prayers during that time. He had his first one done March 17th, and the other one done April 28th. Assuming all goes well, he plans on going back to work June 1st. So far so good, he's right where he should be with recovery. It's just sad because he can't pick Eli up right now, and the poor little guy just doesn't quite understand. It won't be long though.

We found out last month that Eli is no longer allergic to soy, yay! Honestly, it wasn't the worst food allergy to deal with. But it was still something, and we're so excited to not have to worry about it anymore, and also one less doctor to see. :)

About a month ago we went to the Transportation Museum in Spencer with some friends. Eli LOVES trains and had a blast. It's a really neat place, and it's free! So if you live close by and haven't been you must check it out. Here are a few pics from that day:

Thursday, February 25, 2010

Language Explosion

So, I've always heard about the infamous language explosions kids have, but I never really understood it until now. Eli has always been pretty advanced with his speech, so we're used to hearing people say how well he speaks for his age, and have never had any concerns in that dept. Therefore, I'm seldom surprised to hear anything new come out of his mouth. But in the past couple of weeks it has just gotten crazy! I guess it has alot to do with his move up to the 2 year class at daycare. Everyday he amazes me with his words and songs. He's speaking in complete sentences now, and has a nice collection of little songs he can sing. I have tried to get some of them on video, but apparently my son is vain and is more interested in watching himself on film rather than taking it. I did manage to get a decent video of him singing his ABC's to share. I apologize for the lighting and you may have to turn it up.