Thursday, February 25, 2010

Language Explosion

So, I've always heard about the infamous language explosions kids have, but I never really understood it until now. Eli has always been pretty advanced with his speech, so we're used to hearing people say how well he speaks for his age, and have never had any concerns in that dept. Therefore, I'm seldom surprised to hear anything new come out of his mouth. But in the past couple of weeks it has just gotten crazy! I guess it has alot to do with his move up to the 2 year class at daycare. Everyday he amazes me with his words and songs. He's speaking in complete sentences now, and has a nice collection of little songs he can sing. I have tried to get some of them on video, but apparently my son is vain and is more interested in watching himself on film rather than taking it. I did manage to get a decent video of him singing his ABC's to share. I apologize for the lighting and you may have to turn it up.

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